4 tips to care for your skin in the monsoon season

It’s monsoon season in many parts of the world and for some of us, that means the weather and climate will wreak havoc with our skin. Monsoon ushers in with it a number of hair and skin problems especially for those who have extremely sensitive skin. Exposure to rainwater can have an impact on our skin but there are definitely steps that can be taken to ensure that your skin is protected and well taken care of during the wet and rainy season.

As the season changes, humidity levels, moisture levels and the atmosphere around us too takes a turn. This directly has an impact on our skin. To combat any problems that your skin may face, your skin care regimen can be altered slightly to make it adjust to the increased humidity or moisture levels. If you follow a very basic skincare routine and want to upgrade your skincare regimen during monsoon, but have no idea where to begin, then don’t fret. We’re here to help! We’ve put together a quick skin care guide to help you maintain gorgeous, glowing skin all monsoon season long.

Cleanse and exfoliate

While you should be cleansing twice a day anyway, taking extra care in monsoon is key. Ensure you are double cleansing at night and if you have only been exfoliating once a week, during monsoon, you can increase the number of times you exfoliate to up to three times using a gentle exfoliator which is light on your skin. Using a mild scrub will remove the dead skin on the surface of your skin and replenish and rejuvenate your skin. Using a hydrating mask or an overnight mask will also keep your skin looking soft, supple and moisturised. You can also resort to making facial scrubs at home with the ingredients in your kitchen. Not only will you be using all natural ingredients, but you will also be saving money!


Monsoon brings with it humidity which can instantly impact your skin whether you stay indoors or out. Humidity will dehydrate the skin and in turn this will make it dull. You might be tempted to use a heavy double duty moisturiser but opt for a lightweight one so as to avoid blocking your pores. You can also opt for a light serum under your moisturiser to seal in all the moisture. Most skincare regimens now also include face oils many of which will not leave your skin oily but will hydrate and leave the skin feeling smooth and supple.

Wear sunscreen indoors and outdoors

By now, you probably know that wearing a sunscreen and including it in your skincare on a daily basis is essential. But what we often forget is that during the rainy season it is just as important to apply this holy grail product to your skin, even if you’re indoors! That’s right. Just because it’s cloudy or because you think the sun can’t reach you indoors, think again. UV rays have the ability to seep through the windows and doors and you need to protect your skin from this. If you don’t want your layers to get too heavy however, you can opt for a gel-based or even water resistant sunscreen which will avoid leaving too much moisture on your face.

Eat right, stay hydrated

Your food and water intake plays a detrimental role in how your skin acts and behaves, not just in the monsoon season but all year round. Opt for fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants and luckily most of the fruits and vegetables that are available this season are high in the nutrients and vitamins needed for improved skin. Opt for foods which enhance and stimulate collagen production which is what your skin needs to look and feel healthy. Stay hydrated and ensure that you are drinking plenty of water and juices which ensure healthy functioning of the body.


Try these tips this monsoon season and see a visible difference in your skin and its appearance.

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