5 Indoor Plants And Their Lesser-Known Health Benefits

What is the first thing you feel when you walk into a flower garden? Plants provide for a calming presence. According to botanical experts, they help to destress, increase productivity, uplift the mood and clean indoor air by absorbing toxins, increasing humidity and producing oxygen. In a nutshell, plants are therapeutic and offer much more than just being beautiful to look at. Most people have lavish and lush green gardens which play host to a wide variety of flora. However, there are some who love using plants as decorative items inside their homes. But not many know the actual health advantages of certain types of indoor plants. Here is a list of the benefits these gifts of nature bring to our lives!



Aloe Vera

We are sure most of you are aware of the beautifying properties of this plant. It helps towards achieving lighter skin, aids in getting rid of sunburns and also helps to heal some allergies. But the good news is that Aloe Vera acts as an air purifier too. It absorbs airborne particles from paint and cleaning agents. Pot the plant in your sitting lounge and you won’t regret it!



Snake Plant

They may not sound too appealing but definitely do the trick when it comes to cleaning the air. Snake plants absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen. They’re a great plant to place in your bedroom because they help to improve air quality and mental well-being while you sleep, snake plants also work to remove xylene, toluene, and trichloroethylene from the air in your home. When placed in a white pot and covered with small grey pebbles, these plants would look ideal indoors. Do you know the alternate name for the Snake Plant? The Mother In Law’s Tongue! It’s okay, you can laugh a little…



Bunny Ears Cactus

Nothing gets cuter than this! From making our moods better to radiating positivity, the Bunny Ears cactus plant is one of the most popular ones out there. The cute, homely and colorful appearance of cacti helps to relieve stress and also decreases depression, say researchers. Caring for an indoor cactus (which requires a great deal of attention!) is therapeutic too. Not to mention, such plants when placed in hospital rooms have been shown to help patients heal faster due to their soothing effects and stress-reducing properties.


Rubber Plant

Yes, indoor plants add colour and good vibes to our living space but some also help towards making a room cozy and comfortable. And what matters more than comfort when it comes to the place you eat, breathe, sleep and live in? Rubber Plants can be used to increase the relative humidity indoors, reduce noise, screen unattractive areas, and moderate room temperature by shading a bright, sunny window, reveal horticulture experts. Rubber Plants play a crucial role in eliminating toxins such as formaldehyde from the air in your home. Did you know such toxins are also emitted from furniture and flooring?


 Lavender Plant

Seven to eight hours of sleep is vital for any human being to function. However, work-life stress can get to the best of us and may result in irritable and restless sleep. Studies have shown that the vapour from some plants, specifically lavender and jasmine can lead to a more restful sleep. Keep a lavender or jasmine plant by your bed. The smell from these plants induces a state of tranquility that will help you prepare for a good night’s sleep. It will also add a natural, fresh scent to your room and make you and your loved ones feel at ease.

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