Beat the heat: Fresh juices to avoid dehydration in scorching UAE weather

Scorching weather conditions have resulted in many people suffering from heat strokes, nausea, stomach-related problems such as indigestion and loss of appetite. In hot countries such as the UAE and Pakistan among others, it is vital to stay hydrated at all times. You can chug an entire bottle of water in one go but still feel dehydrated. Therefore, the trick here is to drink small amounts of water throughout the day in order to feel rejuvenated and refreshed at all times. If you are one of those who gets dehydrated easily – irrespective of whether your H20 intake is sufficient or not – take cue from these desi totkas (hacks) that could help you to beat the heat before the summer sun takes a toll on your health.

Onion juice

We know the smell of onions can be awful for many of you and cutting them without shedding a few tears can be a task in itself, but it is all worth it in the end. Onion juice can be used in a variety of ways. For starters, applying onion juice behind the ears and on your chest can help bring down your body temperature. You can also roast some raw onions with cumin and honey and eat it. Raw onions in chutneys or salads can also aid in cooling down your system.

Tamarind juice

Commonly referred to as imli, it contains a range of health benefits. Tamarind is rich in vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. The first step is to soak some tamarind in boiling water. Following this, strain the water and drink it, while adding a pinch of sugar to balance out the sour taste. Tamarind does not only help in lowering body temperature but also acts as a laxative in treating stomach disorders.

Raw mango juice

The Urdu name for raw mangoes is keri. It is eaten across the world and known for tantalizing taste buds. While most people cannot stop eating mangoes once they get their hands on them, keri ka sharbat (juice) boasts of a variety of hydrating benefits. Considered to be a health tonic, it is made with raw mangoes and spices that cool your body. This drink should be consumed at least two to three times a day when temperatures are high.

Plum juice

The fruit is popular for its hydrating properties. Plums contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help in soothing internal inflammation that may be caused due to a heat stroke. Soak some plums in water till they are soft. Mash them in the water and strain it. This drink should be consumed as a remedy for a heat stroke or severe dehydration. Add it to your routine if you are not visiting the bathroom as much as you should be doing or your urine is dark in colour and not clear.

Coriander and Mint juice

Drinking coriander and mint leaves juice with a pinch of sugar is an easy home remedy to cool body temperature. These herbs have a cooling effect on the body. Coriander water is also considered as a great remedy for reducing menopausal heat and flushes. In fact, coriander juice can also be applied for soothing hot itchy skin.

Besides the above-mentioned list of mouth-watering juices, coconut water is also beneficial for hydration and skin-glowing properties. You can also add two to three ice cubes to the drink of your choice and enjoy it on a hot summer afternoon – it will surely uplift your mood, keep you energized and allow you to carry out your everyday activities including intense workouts with ease. Don’t wait, give it a try!

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