Bikhray Moti Episode 19: Yasir Nawaz’s Zulfi Moves Into a Positive Light

“Bikhray Moti” stars Neelam Munir, Yasir Nawaz, Wahaj Ali, Samina Ahmed, Saleem Mairaj and many other talented actors in prominent roles. Unlike other shows that are created for TRPs (Jalan, Nand, etc), “Bikhray Moti” tells a very serious story, one that’s difficult to watch, and sheds light on a fictitious situation that is the reality of many families/children in Pakistani society.

In episode 19, Zulfi (Yasir Nawaz) begins rectifying his behavior, ashamed of his slip towards drugs and tells Ayeza (Neelam Munir) that he will try to be there for Shehzaadi from that moment onwards. He begins making amends for his behavior, specifically by stepping up when Sultan (Saleem Mairaj) attempts to get Shehzaadi, dealing with Ayeza aggressively. Zulfi protects Ayeza and his family, keeping Sultan at bay and pushing him out of their home. This is a redeeming moment for Zulfi and he takes baby steps towards making himself useful for his family. He begins picking and dropping Jaanu to school, the two reconnecting and allowing for Jaanu to trust his father again – and most importantly, feel protected from the outside world. To Ayeza’s surprise, when she questions Zulfi one night about his late arrival, he puts money in her hands and says it’s his first paycheck. This is a great turning point for Zulfi, showing that he’s tying to be a better person for his children.

Unfortunately, the jealousy demon still comes peeping out – and it’s not surprising either. Ahad (Wahaj Ali) pays Ayeza visit, hoping just to spend some time with her. Ahad brings rations for Ayeza when he realizes her kitchen is bare, but Ayeza asks him to leave so that she can convince herself he’s a terrible person and can begin to forget him. Of course, when Zulfi questions Ayeza about the rations, she lies, stating her mother brought them, but Zulfi catches her in the lie and accuses her of having an affair behind his back. While Ayeza is upset by the accusation, it’s a difficult situation for three individuals to be in. On one end is Ayeza’s soulmate and on the other end is her now-husband. Ayeza and Ahad are unable to forget their feelings for one another, having shared such a strong bond. Ahad still harbors hope that Ayeza will re-enter his life somehow….and the audience finds themselves hoping this is possible somehow as well. These two characters deserve to find happiness together somehow.

On the other end, Zulfi’s family continues to play their games with his mother stating that Ayeza got the family into the mess with Shehzaadi and now she will deal with the situation herself, not realizing her other daughter-in-law is the one who stole the money. It’s also agitating that a woman could be so callous towards her granddaughter to have sold her to a dangerous man and then have remove her hands from the situation. Samina Ahmed is doing a brilliant job in this role, but her character is one that deserves a heavy dose of karma headed her way. That karma should also be in store for the sister-in-law as her brother is still hounding Jaanu at school. This coincidence doesn’t sit well though, unfortunately. How did Jaanu’s attacker manage to leave his own city and find a job in Jaanu’s school of all places?

Regardless, the child who plays Jaanu continues to be the shining star of the show. While “Bikhray Moti” is a frustrating show, the performances are top-notch from everyone involved, from Neelam Munir to Yasir Nawaz to the young children. The story is also gripping, though highly upsetting. This is a show that is striving to tell a different story and one that’s important to tell. Children need love and support and without these two things, they are left helpless in a ruthless world.

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