Build Core Confidence By Following These Simple Steps

Core confidence refers to the confidence within you that exists regardless of your external circumstances. It is the sense of worthiness that you have when you accept and believe in yourself even when you don’t have the most fulfilling job, a great academic record, the perfect partner, a large group of friends, the most attractive figure or success in other areas of your life. It is not dependent on any particular situation, hence, it will not go away if your life circumstances change suddenly.

People with core confidence walk into every situation with complete self-assurance, knowing that they will be okay even if they fail or if things don’t work out the way they had planned. They don’t think that each negative outcome is life-shattering and can move on quickly from any unhealthy or toxic situations that do not serve them.

It is possible to build core confidence if you feel like you don’t have it. Here are a few simple steps you can follow:

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