Mansha Pasha clarifies stance on sustainable fashion after Twitter backlash

We are all well aware that the fashion industry is going through quite the shift with a number of brands and design houses trying to move towards a more sustainable model. With sustainable fashion coming to the forefront, more and more of us are trying to adopt practices to be sustainable when it comes to our fashion and clothing choices. Mansha Pasha had taken to social media recently to pen her two cents on sustainable fashion.


Taking to Twitter she wrote, “Sustainable fashion/living: Don’t know why this has become a trend because it’s been given a fancy name,” wrote the Laal Kabootar actor. She went on to add, “It’s basically what parents in the subcontinent have always taught their children: cheezon ko zaya mat karo aur kapre ko alag alag occasions par use karo! (Don’t waste anything and learn to reuse outfits on different occasions).”



She went on to recall her childhood and how her sisters and she would share clothes on multiple occasions. “Growing up my sisters and I always wore each others’ clothes multiple times.” She went on to add, “The same was done on the Zindagi Gulzar Hai set to give the true vibe of a desi household. Some scenes i wore sanams clothes she wore mine or sana’s.

In short, desi fashion is sustainable fashion,” she asserted.



Her tweets were met with some criticism and backlash from netizens who believed the 33-year-old had failed to encompass the concept of sustainability; which happens to be a rather vast one. The actor had to return to the microblogging site to clarify her stance.


“With respect to my last tweet – Ethical fashion encompasses many things including worker rights, ecological impact of dying fabric, water consumption,” she wrote. She went on to add, “I was speaking of the trend of reusing clothing done in desi households already and is promoted as sustainable fashion online.”

We think Mansha Pasha made her point loud and clear and it is great to see that public figures and celebrities are talking about sustainable fashion and bringing it to the forefront.


“It’s great to see our celebrities talking sustainable fashion. It’s part of the global movement of Sustainable Development and Corporate Sustainability. Academia and Fashion industry should work together to create awareness about the correct concept of Sustainable Fashion,” wrote one Twitter user.

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