The Finale of “Kuch Ankahi” Is An Eventful Episode That Ties All Loose Ends

“Kuch Ankahi” has been winning hearts throughout its run, telling the story of a family and their trials, along with the bonds shared.  While Pakistani dramas of late generally tend to focus on action and drama with each episode, “Kuch Ankahi” dared to veer off course and return to an older format, one that focused on storytelling in a natural, breezy fashion which connected with audiences on a personal level.  Starring Sajal Aly, Bilal Abbas Khan, Mira Sethi, Ali Safina, Mohammed Ahmed, Irsa Ghazal, Vaneeza Ahmed, Babar Ali, Qudsia Ali, Annie Zaidi, Asma Abbas, Adnan Samad Khan and Sheheryar Munawar in prominent roles, “Kuch Ankahi” has been written by Mohammed Ahmed and directed by Nadeem Baig.

In the finale, we see our lead trio finally reach the point of a decision.  While Azfar (Sheheryar Munawar) and Salman (Bilal Abbas Khan) meet face to face to discuss their mutual dilemma – Aaliyah – and they continue to rub one another the wrong way, they ultimately decide to leave the decision to Aaliyah.  And ultimately, Azfar realizes that Aaliyah loves Salman, allowing her to walk away without giving her any trouble.  What’s refreshing to see in both these scenes – and in both these male characters – is that despite whatever internal turmoil they’ve been feeling throughout the series, they recognize that love cannot be forced.  While Salman has always felt the bond between himself and Aaliyah, he needed to hear it expressed before “claiming” her, recognizing that love cannot be forced.  Meanwhile, Azfar, who felt confident that Aaliyah would choose him, sat back and respected her choice when he realized her affections lay elsewhere.  Both of these men were written as vastly different characters, but one thing they had in common all along has been respect towards the one they loved.  Of course, while we’re discussing this love triangle and things that could have been improved, it was an injustice to Bilal Abbas Khan and the character of Salman to be a supporting character in his own love story.  Salman deserved more focus and attention as a character and his relationship with Aaliyah deserved more as well.  Bilal Abbas Khan and Sajal Aly are such beautiful, strong actors and have been winning our hearts all along, but especially do so in the finale.  Can we also just acknowledge that Bilal Abbas Khan is perfect “hero” material with his performance in “Dildara”?  Sheheryar Munawar has given one of the best performances of his career with “Kuch Ankahi” as Azfar.  That final scene with Azfar dealing with visible heartbreak leaves a strong impact and a bittersweet feeling.  While we’re happy for Salman and Aaliyah, it’s hard to not feel for the rejected member of this love triangle.  And while the characters could have been better fleshed out with more screen time, it speaks to the quality of the characters that the audience likes and roots for each of them in their own way.

One of the greatest complaints with “Kuch Ankahi”will always be the lack of focus on the emotional journey of Sofia and Tanvi’s love story.  With Vaneeza Ahmed and Babar Ali’s beautiful chemistry and enjoyable banter, audiences have been waiting for more scenes between the two since the beginning of the show.  Unfortunately, even in the finale, we feel as though these two characters (and actors) were robbed of a strong arc.  Sofia was once a runaway bride.  Was that really the way to carry her character forward?  While it is absolutely realistic to be hung up on a spouse, that is a topic that should have been explored much earlier than in 10 minutes on her wedding day.  Will Tanvi continue chasing Sofia throughout their marriage or will she ever recognize the flaws in herself?  Babar Ali and Vaneeza Ahmed are both such great actors and it’s a joy to watch them on screen regardless, but they deserved much more.

Of course, the highlight of the finale is “Dildara,” the final moments of the show.  In this one 4 minute song, so many loose ends are wrapped up in a sweet, enjoyable way.  We see the effort Saif (Ali Safina) makes to win Samiya (Mira Sethi) back over.  This couple has been through a lot, both together and individually, and it’s their growth as individuals and, more specifically, the effort Saif is making to win back over his wife that makes this feel like a truly happy ending.  Mira Sethi and Ali Safina have won our hearts with their roles, two complicated characters who we may not always agree with, but can understand and connect with.  We also see Tanya (Qudsia Ali) and Shakeel (Adnan Samad Khan) playfully flirting, indicating their union.  This is not necessarily a strong pairing nor was it a particularly interesting story arc, however both these actors are so talented and in this one moment, we find ourselves realizing – they do fit together after all.  This entire ending sequence is just beautiful with Mohammed Ahmed and Irsa Ghazal’s wonderful camaraderie as parents to these wonderful young girls, the glue that holds the family together.  Salman and Aaliyah’s romance is beautiful to watch while Tanvi and Sofia’s wedding is long awaited.  There’s so much to praise about this final sequence which brings all the loose ends together neatly – while also ending on a note that reminds us that life isn’t perfect and along with wins, there are also losses.  “Kuch Ankahi” has been an incredible show from start to finish and will be one that’s not only sorely missed on Saturday nights, but also one that will be remembered for years to come.  Bravo!

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